Talking Transformations: Home on the Move

26th July – 23rd September 2018, Poetry Library, Southbank Centre, London

Sally Waterman’s  recent video, ‘Syncopation’ (2017) based on the poem by Polish poet, Rafał Gawin is included in this group exhibition at the Poetry Library at the Southbank Centre. Waterman’s video also forms part of a new body of work in progress which reflects upon her twenty year relationship with her partner, in the light of his treatment from heart failure over the last ten months. You can view the video here:

Home 20

This exhibition of European artist films, sound art and poetry in translation is the result of a journey undertaken by two poems about ‘home’: British poet Deryn Rees-Jones’ poem ‘HOME’ travelled from the UK via France to Spain and back and Polish poet Rafał Gawin’s poem ‘DOM. KONSTRUKCJA W PROCESIE SĄDOWYM’ (‘Home. Structure on Trial’) travelled via Romania to the UK and back to Poland. Both poems were written on the basis of workshops with local communities in the UK and Poland. In each country they visited, the poems were translated by a literary translator and a local film artist.

Artists, poets, translators: Teodor Ajder (RO), Elise Aru (FR), Heather Connelly (UK) in collaboration with Belén Cerezo (SP), Noèlia Díaz Vicedo (SP), Marta Dziurozs (PL), Rafał Gawin (PL), ​ Anna Hyde (PL), Zuzanna Janin (PL), Jozefina Komporaly (RO), Benoît Laffiché (FR), Domingo Martínez (SP), Timothy Mathews (UK), Kate McMillan (UK), Ghenadie Popescu (RO), Deryn Rees-Jones (UK), Silvia Terrón (SP), Sally Waterman (UK)

Curated by Manuela Perteghella and Ricarda Vidal